Saturday, November 10, 2007

ko samet and beyond

Ahh relaxment!
Ella and I have spent about 4 days on the beach doing jack all!
We left Bangkok the next morning after we got in and jumped on a bus to ko samet, which was easy enough. We were on the island by about 3 but had a bit of trouble finding the place we wanted to stay, but it was eventually worth it! It was absolutely beautiful. Picture a small beach about 30 m long with white sand and jungle right down to the beach. We were staying in a small bungalow about 5 metres from the high tide mark. We were the only hotel on this beach. Beautiful – and the water was magic! (it was called Ao Nuan for anyone wondering). We were originally going to spend only 1 night there, but ended up staying for 3 because we didn’t find anywhere better!
We basically lay on the beach (got sunburnt – ouch!), ate beautiful thai food, slept, had a few beers, ate more, swam more, read our books and ate more. We always wanted to go out and have a few drinks but never really managed it – theres not really any reason to anyway. We saw a fire show one night, but that was about the extent of the adventure! It was seriously just a relax time.
Yesterday we spent the day travelling to Ko Chang. It’s a much larger island, about 50km in circumference and a lot more developed. We did find a nice place though – Porn Bungalows, which has a 2 tier dining area straight over the beach. Last night we sat on chairs on the high tide mark (its shallow for a long way) and ate pinapple curry with chicken, basil and chilli wide noodles, papaya salad and beers and cocktails! It was awesome. I think we might try and do some more adventurous stuff here, maybe some walking in the jungle to waterfalls, and might even go snorkeling or something. Theres so much to do – maybe even ride an elephant!
Everything is so easy and relaxing, and its great to let our hair down before we begin some serious (and colder) travel. Missing everyone, and very much looking forward to meeting up with all the trevl partners!
Photos to come!


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